Monday, July 9, 2007

7/7 Day 6

55 miles Mackerricher to Richardson Grove State Park

WOke up at 6am, but didn't leave on our bikes until 8:30. Another biker told us we were crazy for going north on this route...we already knew that. We did the craziest climb we could ever expect: the Leggett Hill, a 9 mile trip that took us 2000 feet up. IT took us a couple hours to get up but only 20 minutes to descend. We passed the "World Famous but I never heard of it" Chandelier Tree. Derek flashed some motorists when he was changing his shirt. They honked back. We biked through more REdwoods and along the 101 freeway (part of the Pacific Coast Bike Trail). We eventually came across another "World FAmous location"; One LOg House and Confusion Hill (a mini disneyland in the redwoods, huh?), the Grandfather tree, and the Tree Hoouse. We have been using the 1970's bike maps that Derek's Dad lent him. We stayed at Richardson Grove STate Park ($3 per biker) and had dinner. WE also took showers there, which cost $.

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