Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Derek's word

I hope you enjoyed this blog. we did our best and updated it when we had he chance (which wasn't very many times). Add a last minute comment if you'd like so that I can see who's actually checked the blog and feel more special. hehe

I'm in the county library in Harrodsburg, KY, also trying to figure out what to do when we get to Yorktown. So far, it looks like Sarah's sister Meaghan will meet us there on Sept 15th as we bike to the ocean, and we'll head to D.C. I'm going to act as a tourist and check out the historical cool stuff in D.C. and then maybe take a bus to Manhattan to visit my buddy Hashim and Annie, and my cousin Tony, his wife Vicki, and their baby son Gabriel. Then I will fly back home to Davis (originally planned to take the train back but I think that would be torture to wait any longer to arrive in Davis) so forgive my jet fuel pollution if you would. I hope you will. I then return to Davis as a Senior Biological Systems Engineering student, trying to raise my grades and maybe help out the local compost establishment as well (:>).......

This country was wide, hilly, windy, rainy, beautiful at times, ugly at times, very corny and soybeany and sorghummy, and with lots of cattle, and the people we've met along the way have been the nicest I've ever met in my life...there have been the occassional jerks that remind me of L.A. drivers but for the most part...very good people who don't mind talking to a stranger and saying hi when you pass them in the street.

Well, we still have 791 miles to go, which is still a lot of biking, and we are hoping to get by all those unleashed dogs of kentucky without them getting hurt by cars as they chase us in the street and without us getting bit. so far successful!

I end with a poem I wrote in the 10 minutes Sarah was on the phone with Keren last night:

"my ass hurts" by Derek Downey
To drive across the country
you'd lose your money and your glee,
to bike across this continent
you'd find no one who'd believe,
the ability of the common
folk to pedal sea to sea.

(following no common poetry rules)


DereksDad said...

Hello from Morocco!

Good luck on your last stretch of road

Talk soon

Auntie Janet said...

May the wind be at your back for the final miles of your incredible journey. You are seeing the country as few do. Safe travel. Love the the poem, by the way!

Unknown said...

Enjoy D.C.

Keren said...

wonderous poem! i miss you so...

ooh, got mentioned in the blog, i feel tingly.

hurry home, fools! (or wise sages?)

Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you both!