Monday, September 10, 2007

An unexpected update from Radford, VA

So a few days ago (9/7), we happened upon the small town of Buckhorn, Kentucky. This town consisted of a general store and a guy who stood behind the counter. His name was Dick. Like many such men, Dick had a small notebook behind the counter which he gets all the cyclists to sign as they pass through. When Derek was signing the book, Dick pointed out an entry which said "If you need a place to stay in Radford, VA..." or something like that, and had the name and address of a family. Well we ended up calling, and here we are! A beautiful home, a sweet chocolate lab named Olive, showers (our first in...well...awhile), and free dinner!
We have 385 miles to go to Yorktown and 5 days in which to do it. Currently we are in the region of the Appalachians known as the Great Valley, which lies between the Alleghanies (western Appalachia) and the Blue Ridge (eastern Appalachia). The Alleghanies were not tall, but they were steep and pretty tough. (Although we saw some steeper climbs in the Ozarks (Missouri), they were very short and we were only in the mountains for about a half a day). The Blue Ridge Mtns are much taller...So the next three days or so will be very tough, but soon enough we will be descending out of the small town of Afton, where we will pay a visit to the Cookie Lady (although rumor on the road has it that she's pretty sick this year, so she's not making cookies anymore) ( and then proceed down the ridiculously steep grade to Charlottesville. From there, the rolling hills of the Piedmont and Tidewater regions will carry us gently to Yorktown, and if our brakes get all worn out on the way out of Afton, straight into the Atlantic Ocean.

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